About Us
Who we are
We started as people with problems and no way to solve them...
Our journey into misfit design thinking started with finding problems, but no effective way to solve them.
After extensive research and development, we discovered the flexibility of design thinking and adopted best practices from there making changes along the way.
We applied it and it worked.
We continued to study and apply it for years. Since those early times, we’ve development more tools and resources to tackle a wide variety of situations. Our story is found in our book and through the materials found on this site.
After a few years, we found that the techniques we employed were uncommon. We joined small groups of people from across the globe in small bands of misfit thinkers. From here we developed misfit design thinking.
We realized that other people faced similar problem situations that we did and needed help. Since our first use of design thinking we’ve helped NGOs, governments, military organizations, and companies better solve problems in way they never dreamed they could.