It's time to think differently
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misfit design thinking
What is Misfit Design Thinking?
Misfit design thinking is a way to analyze problems, generate creative solutions, and test those solutions.
It is based in design thinking as used by some of the world’s most successful firms
The General Steps in Misfit Design Thinking
In this stage we seek to find out what is happening, what our end users need, and determine a desired end state
Problem Definition
In this stage we list or draw what the problems are that we are trying to solve.
Without this step, you may create a great solution to the wrong problem!
Idea Generation
This is the most fun part of design thinking. Our book highlights over 40 ways to generate creative solutions.
The most used is targeted brainstorming
Selected ideas need to be prototyped and tested to see if they solve the problem we identified.
When we have tested our product, service, or idea, we apply it.
This may include scaling.
Misfit Design Thinking: Energizing for Innovation and Creativity provides more details on each of these general steps, creative idea generation methods, and models for different situations.
What you will find here

Please explore our site. We hope you will find tips and tricks to help you solve problems and think creatively.

We have a section on free training materials. We want you to be successful. Success in thinking differently takes time and practice.
The resources under free training will help you get started.

Since not everyone or every organization is familiar with a wide breadth of problem solving techniques, we provide coaching to help people and organizations solve problems and think creatively.
We have used design thinking methods with businesses, non-governmental organizations, trade associations, in military applications, and with governments.
Contact us to see how we can help you.
Think Different - by Apple
Click the link to go to our free training materials
The book contains tons of tricks, pro-tips, models, and creative thinking materials
Looking for more depth or help?
Click here to get help or coaching.